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Develop a Bias for Action

Develop a Bias for Action

“We have come to believe that the key success factor in business is simply getting one’s arms around almost any practical problem and knocking it off – now.” That’s great insight from one of the best-selling business books of all time, “In Search of Excellence,” by...
Why You Need a Mission Statement – Part 2

Why You Need a Mission Statement – Part 2

Does your company have a mission statement?  Is it a central part of the life of your business, embraced at all levels? Is it purposeful and useful in the “real life” of your company?  Does it motivate employees to perform and customers to buy?  If you answered “no”...
How Not to Motivate Your Employees

How Not to Motivate Your Employees

According to a 2018 Gallup poll, only 34% of US workers are enthusiastic about and committed to their work.  Wow!  If that is true in your business, then the vast majority of your employees are not fully engaged.  They are not thriving.  And your bottom line is worse...